District IV
Coastal Prairie Council of
Lead the Way... Plant Across Coastal Prairie
Welcome to District IV - Coastal Prairie
District IV is your local link to our state organization, Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. Its purpose is to advance the fine art of gardening, landscape design, and the study of horticulture and floral design; to offer scholarships for horticultural and floricultural education, conservation, and landscape design; to promote involvement of youth in gardening activities; and to coordinate TGC and NGC activities at the local level. Even better...it helps you meet some wonderful gardeners. We are a 501(c)(3) organization
Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. has divided the state of Texas into 10 Districts based on soil & climatic similarities, problems, and plant material: #1 Panhandle, #2 The Blacklands, #3 East Texas, # 4 Coastal Prairie, #5 Central, #6 Lower Valley, #7 South Texas, #8 Plateau,#9 Mountain Plains, and #10 Blacklands.
District IV is in the Coastal Prairie section and is made up of the 23 counties of Austin, Brazoria, Calhoun, Chambers, Colorado, DeWitt, Fayette, Fort Bend, Galveston, Gonzales, Hardin, Harris, Jackson, Jefferson, Lavaca, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Orange, Victoria, Waller, Washington, and Wharton.
District IV gives a scholarship each year to a deserving student studying either in the horticultural, landscape, or conservation area. We also donate money to Brookwood Community. Our donations go directly to fund their gardening needs. We plant a tree in November at the Fisher House at the Veteran’s Hospital. Funds are donated to Disaster Relief and Seeds for Life. Seeds for Life is a program started by District IV which sends money and seeds throughout the world.